* All Public Masses Cancelled

As of March 16, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and in collaboration with local Bay Area officials, and in service to the common good of our communities and our country, the Diocese of Oakland has put into effect the following actions:

All public Masses are suspended.

• Information on online daily Masses can be found at https://www.oakdiocese.org/response-to-coronavirus-pandemic.

• Churches will remain open to provide a place of prayer and solace for people. Proper hygiene and social distancing will continue to be emphasized per CDC guidelines.

• All other events at parishes and schools are to be postponed, rescheduled or cancelled until further notice.

• All chancery employees are to remain at home during this period. They are being compensated as normal. Those who can work remotely are required to do so. Those whose job responsibilities do not allow them to work remotely are required to stay in communication with their team or supervisor. Parishes are strongly encourage to follow a similar approach with their employees.

In issuing these new guidelines Bishop Michael Barber stated, “Our Lady, Health of the Sick, has always come to the aid of the Church in times of plague, pestilence and danger. Let us pray to her to intercede for us with her Son.”