Announcements for June 2, 2013


It has been a busy 9 months since my arrival at Saint Jerome. Many things remain to be done. As many of you know the church roof was in need of repairs. Leaks were everywhere in evidence, especially over peoples heads or on the pews after a rain. This is done and finally paid for out of our savings for 16,229.00. I am contemplating the painting and clean-up of Rohan Hall. Thanks to the generosity of the Social Activities Group and participating parishioners, I hope to accomplish this work over the Summer.

The next big project this Summer is the San Carlos Avenue parking lot. It is severely deteriorated and will need to be completly replaced. The more comprehensive bid came in at $58,000. This has been reviewed and approved by the competent authorities at the bishop’s Office of Facilities, Planning and Services. Like the roof, any project exceeding $10K defaults to the bishop’s office. This project includes a city-mandated side walk, safety items, enlarged water drainage capacity, parking blocks, and painting. The parking lot provided weekend parking, weekday parking for school parents, and auxiliary parking for the DSPT students living in the old convent. Another of parallel concern is the old convent on San Carlos next to the school. This is a rental property in need of much care. Rent has been collected over the years without much work being done on the building’s capital value and preservation. Finally the Diocese of Oakland has called for a Parish Reserve Study. The diocese will subsidized the study 80%. The school and church will each pay $350 a piece for a $2,650 study. This study is required should we ever petition for future loans with the diocese. In turn, the diocese can supervise all its properties into the future and help prevent small projects from becoming big ones like our parking lot. Maintenance and prevention are a high priorities, especially in earth quake country.

Fr Fernanco Cortez, Pastor


The Diocese requires that all parishioners who volunteer in any ministry at the Parish receive Safe Environment Training. The training must be renewed every 3 years. In order to simplify the training process, we are required to have all volunteers on the same 3 year cycle. Hence all St. Jerome parishioners are required by the Diocesan Safe Environment Office to attend an on-site training in 2013. Our on-site Safe Environment Training date has been changed to Sunday, September 22, 2013 at noon in Rohan Hall. Please call the parish office (525-0876) to rsvp. For a calendar of other trainings please visit

FAMILY FAITH FORMATION  Please register now for next year’s Sunday classes, 2013-2014, for children in grades K-8. Instruction begins on Sunday, September 15th, 2013. Registration forms are available in the vestibule of the church, in the church office, and on the parish website at You may return completed forms to the parish office . For more information, please call Mary Ernst at the parish office 510.525.8076.

A THANK YOU FROM SHEPHERDS FIELD OLIVE WOOD HANDCRAFTS We send our deepest gratitude to al parishioners of St. Jerome Parish for theirgenerosity and support. Your purchases of olivewood crafts will have a positive impact on the Catholic families.

CATHOLIC COMMUNICATIONS/SOCIAL CONCERNS COLLECTION: May 9, 2013 This Collection supports evangelization through communication media and alsoincludes the 125 year old National Collection for Black and Indian people continues as the embodiment of theChurch’s concern for evangelizing the Black and Indian peoples of the United States. The funds are distributed as grants to dioceses throughout the United States, supporting and strengthening evangelization programs which otherwise would cease. There are special envelopes in your weekly church envelopes package for this collection.