* Announcement re: Contra Costa County COVID-19 Update

In light of the instructions on July 12 for the Contra Costa County to have nothing indoors, and including the follow up on the guidelines of the liturgical service from the Diocese of Oakland, here are some changes to our St. Jerome’s liturgical practice for the remaining month of July. These changes are made with consideration for the safety of all.

Live-Streaming Mass

The live-streaming will continue on Saturdays at 5:15 pm and Sundays at 9:00 am. It will be a closed-door setting with no one else present. If you are following, please respond from your homes. It will be a simpler service, but the spirit of it is so that we can still pray, listen to the Word of God, and celebrate the Eucharist together. 

Communion at the Patio instead of inside the Church.

The venue for the distribution of the Communion will be at the Patio at the usual time on Sundays from 10 am – 11:00 am. The entrance and exit will from the steps (it will be marked). The elderly and those who have trouble with the steps may enter through the small gate from Carmel Ave (it will also be marked). Please make way for the elderly. Please continue to keep your social distance of six feet. Please wear your mask even when receiving Communion, and please receive them by hand. It is to ensure that those receiving after you will also be safe.

While we take every safety precaution, the Church cannot guarantee complete safety. Please stay at home if you do not feel safe or are uncomfortable with leaving your home. Please especially stay at home if you do not feel well. We invite you to join our live-streaming services at www.tinyurl.com/stjeromeelcerr ito or any other live-streaming masses that appeals to you.

For St. Jerome’s recorded masses, look for them under “Past Live Streams” or under the “Playlist” after the live-streaming services are over. Due to some issues in the past, live-streaming masses may not appear immediately elsewhere on our YouTube channel. 

Thank you, and let us continue to pray that God continues to look kindly and be gracious to us all. Reply  Reply All  Forward