
St. Jerome is grateful to all parishioners and visitors for their generous contributions.

While the traditional paper envelope contributions are still welcome, we are adding an electronic means of contributions. You are now welcome to make contributions through our Online Giving Hub through Our Sunday Visitor (OSV). Contributions made through the giving hub ensures that your funds come into the St. Jerome account immediately.

Online giving is safe, secure and easy! You can give once or set-up recurring gifts.  Make contributions for the regular collection or for other donations like mass stipends, general donations, St. Vincent de Paul or the Bishop’s Appeal.

This link and the link above will take you to a separate site in a new tab. Rest assured, it is a valid link to safely make your donations. You will be asked to create an account with OSV. Contributions can be made via a direct deposit from your bank account, or a credit card.

Thank you again for your generosity, and for your continued prayers!