Finance Council

Under Canon Law, the religious law that governs Catholic parishes and other Catholic organizations, each parish is to have a Finance Council which operates in accord with the policies of the local bishop and diocese. The work of the Finance Council is to aid the pastor of the parish in the administration of the parish finances and assets. The Finance Council for St. Jerome’s undertakes this work in an informal manner. Under the pastor’s leadership, the Finance Council seeks to administer and supervise the finances and physical assets of St. Jerome’s in a manner that is open and transparent to all of the members of the parish. The Finance Council meets on a monthly basis (meetings are always announced in the weekly bulletin) in the rectory and all are welcome to attend and become involved.

The Finance Council works closely with the pastor to establish a detailed annual budget for the parish. We then review and comment on the monthly financial reports prepared by the parish’s accountants. Other than particularly large or unique expenditures, the Finance Council does not make decisions regarding individual parish expenditures. Our efforts are focused less on the details and more on providing supervisory financial support to the pastor and acting as a sounding board or discussion group for ideas relating to the finances of the parish. We put effort into longer range financial planning for St. Jerome’s, with a focus on maintaining and upgrading the physical facilities of the parish and financing new programs or ministries.

For names of the members, see the Parish Directory.

For more information, please contact Charles Cardill at the parish office at 510.525.0876.

St. Jerome Financials – 2021 Actual and 2022 Budget