Worship Committee


The Worship Committee comes together to plan the parish’s seasonal worship.  Our purpose is to create an engaging place and foster dynamic ritual for our faith community, so that we can most fully celebrate the Eucharist and other liturgies together.


Using the liturgical calendar as our foundation, we develop themes based on the ongoing cycle of traditions.  We begin each meeting with a prayer, and then break into an informal discussion.  Taking our direction from the gospels, we discuss elements of the Mass, including the readings, music, and the physical environment dedicated to each celebration.   With every meeting, we look at essential rituals of the liturgy, and explore ways to transform these rites into interactive devotion in our Mass.  In addition, business and general concerns are discussed as they relate to the community.

In the spirit of celebration, the physical environment of the church and its grounds are enhanced to support the liturgy, as well, using visual and symbolic elements: fabric, light, imagery, flowers, and other resources from the natural world.

The committee discusses what worked and what didn’t, based upon the experience of the parishioners. This process allows us to plan future worship that is even more dynamic and prayerful.


The committee meets on the second Monday of each month.

Our meetings end with a prayer.  With each seasonal expression, we hope to offer a vital moment of pause that will further deepen the spirituality and strong relationships within our faith community.


For names of committee members, see the Parish Directory.

For more information, please contact the parish office at 510.525.0876.